Duplicated Buff on Summons

Issue #189 new
MaGa created an issue

The buff is not canceled in summons.

Example: The summon obtain automatically the buff of the owner so, if the summoner use Might in himself and later use Improved Combat the Might will be canceled in the summoner but not in the summon.

This happens with all buffs that need to be canceled. They are canceled in the summoner, but not in the summon.

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Comments (3)

  1. Marduk

    I tested this today on the L2J Testserver. Bug confirmed. But when testing this I found another bug at the same time. I have some sreenshots for you.

    Screenshot 1: Shows the HP/MP wtihout buffs (https://ibb.co/DQGVWtP)

    Screenshot 2: I buffed myself with bless the body & soul. As you can see my HP & MP increased as it should be. The HP & MP of the summon didn’t go up. Or at least its shown as in the servitor status windows. If you shift + click it, the HP & MP have increased as well. BUG 1 (https://ibb.co/9NfvJxS)

    Screenshot 3: I buffed myself with improved condition. As you can see the buffs bless the body & sould disappeard as it should be. On the servitor however, they remained, stacked and increased the HP & MP even more BUG 2 (https://ibb.co/H4GWPh4).

    Screenshot 4: I buffed my servitor directly with bless the body & soul. The HP & MP increased and are shown correctly in the servitor status window (https://ibb.co/QdC4MS9)

    Screenshot 5: I buffed my servitor directly with improved condition and the buffs bless the body & sould disappeard as it should be (https://ibb.co/rQm04HR)

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