Light Armor Mastery / Eye of Paagrio

Issue #19 new
Sahar Atias created an issue

The crit rate defense formula is wrong on L2J, I got a player from my server which done dozens of tests and I belive he's right. Going to add 1 of his examples:

On RPG H5 L2OFF: - 31/73 - 33/61

That's about 48% on 500 crit rate with Light Armor Mastery and Eye of Paagrio.

Now on L2J:

That has gone to as low as 27% crit rate, its insane difference that should be taken care of.

Comments (3)

  1. Sahar Atias reporter

    Well if its gone then its gone, its the 2nd time the player reports that and he won't do it a 3rd time I belive.

    Basically the images shown exactly as description says, the guy had 500 crit rate hitting a target with Light Armor Mastery and Eye of Paagrio, the result was ~48% critical rate (on first picture 31 of 73 hits were crits, in 2nd picture 33 of 61 were crits) while on l2jserver it goes really low as 27%.

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