Geo problems on fort stairs

Issue #20 invalid
Sahar Atias created an issue

So far most noticeable on fortress stairs (in the center control room). what happens is that sometimes while walking up the stairs, you get stuck and can't move anymore because the server thinks you are below the stairs and not on them for some reason. if you click on the ground floor you can "run down" again and try again.

This is a really bad issue that has been around in l2j for ages now.

Comments (5)

  1. Gustavo Canteros

    i think is Geodata related, because i walk and run with and without superHaste and nothing happened to me in any fortress

  2. Marduk

    I did some tests on the L2J Testserver. On the stars inside the control room and on the stairs outside that lead to the top of the fortress. I did it the official way meaning killing the commanders so that the doors open automatically. Tests were done on 5 different fortresses and I cannot record any problems with the geodata. See my videos. +

    Also did I talk with HorridoJoho regarding this issue. I did tests also without a siege, opening and closing the doors (all variations) with admin commands just to see if the doors block any way up or down on the stairs. He remembered a bug in the past but this issue was solved already.

    Therefore this ticket is invalid.

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