Gate Chant can be used in Antharas Lair

Issue #222 resolved
ShinichiYao created an issue

So that Doomcryer can summon unlimited players into the lair even the fight is started. I've not test Summon Friend but I think its also free for use.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
    #P L2J_DataPack
    diff --git dist/game/data/zones/no_summon_friend.xml dist/game/data/zones/no_summon_friend.xml
    index 2323b0f..c157f88 100644
    --- dist/game/data/zones/no_summon_friend.xml
    +++ dist/game/data/zones/no_summon_friend.xml
    @@ -51,6 +51,12 @@
            <node X="184000" Y="-115085" />
            <node X="184000" Y="-114885" />
    +   <zone name="boss_area_antharas" type="NoSummonFriendZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-8380" maxZ="-4880">
    +       <node X="173469" Y="110431" />
    +       <node X="188081" Y="110284" />
    +       <node X="188132" Y="119249" />
    +       <node X="173386" Y="119391" />
    +   </zone>
        <zone name="20_26_basetower_inner_01" type="NoSummonFriendZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-10736" maxZ="-5736">
            <node X="12080" Y="274633" />
            <node X="20523" Y="274633" />
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