Dagger skill sounds

Issue #232 new
WilliamFS created an issue

Is a old l2j issue, there's no sound of impact on blow attack skills, because of this, every attack seems that was missed!

Below is only a example (is not exactly L2jserver but also happens with L2jserver):

Comparison: with sound and without sound

List of skills:

16 Mortal Blow 30 Backstab 263 Deadly Blow 321 Blinding Blow 344 Lethal Blow 409 Critical Blow 928 Dual Blow

I guess that's all, I'm not right about Backstab, must be checked...

Thank you, L2jServer is the best emulator :)

Comments (10)

  1. Sdw-
  2. ShinichiYao
    public final class MagicSkillUse extends L2GameServerPacket
        private final int _skillId;
        private final int _skillLevel;
        private final int _hitTime;
        private final int _reuseDelay;
        private final L2Character _activeChar;
        private final L2Character _target;
        // private final List<Integer> _unknown = Collections.emptyList();
        private boolean _success = false;
        private final List<Location> _groundLocations;
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, L2Character target, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay, boolean crit)
            this(cha, target, skillId, skillLevel, hitTime, reuseDelay);
            _success = crit;
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, L2Character target, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay)
            _activeChar = cha;
            _target = target;
            _skillId = skillId;
            _skillLevel = skillLevel;
            _hitTime = hitTime;
            _reuseDelay = reuseDelay;
            _groundLocations = cha.isPlayer() && (cha.getActingPlayer().getCurrentSkillWorldPosition() != null) ? Arrays.asList(cha.getActingPlayer().getCurrentSkillWorldPosition()) : Collections.<Location> emptyList();
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay)
            this(cha, cha, skillId, skillLevel, hitTime, reuseDelay);
        protected final void writeImpl()
            // writeH(_unknown.size()); // TODO: Implement me!
            // for (int unknown : _unknown)
            // {
            // writeH(unknown);
            // }
            if (_success)
            for (IPositionable target : _groundLocations)

    But I don't find where to transfer it.

  3. Atrein


    +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;

    1. L2PcInstance activePlayer = activeChar.getActingPlayer();
    2. activePlayer.sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, true, false);
    3. +PlaySound playSound = new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02");
    4. +activeChar.sendPacket(playSound);
  4. WilliamFS reporter

    I saw on other project forum that include this on fatalBlow.java can be a bad idea, I not understand nothing about java, but the guy told something about performace issue...

  5. tsukhine lopes

    The ShinichiYao's fix doesn't worked for me. I noticed that the sound only appears if you request the action to move during the casting. With this information, someone can help to fix this? Thanks.

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