PvP Bugs

Issue #239 resolved
Darkloud91 created an issue
  • players cant cast debuffs on colisseum because the other player never is flaged.
  • i cant use debuffs on party members.
  • if i use a buff on a NPC this make me flagged.

Comments (6)

  1. UchihaSV

    Same bug, debuffs do not work on other players(incorrect target) in the combat zone(TvT or PvP Arenas), in the duel and on the PK, but work only on the flagged ones(PvP), pls fix it.

  2. Zoey76

    Thanks for your report.

    • Check latest version, debuffs work on arenas.
    • Report is wrong, you cannot debuff party member, regardless of being white or pink (flagged).
    • Check latest version, buff on NPC won’t get player flagged.
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