getRestartRegion() not work properly

Issue #256 new
ShinichiYao created an issue

In getTeleToLocation() should return a specific location if player race matchs BannedRace of the region. For example Dark Elf should return Dark Elf Village if they're trying to escape from Elf Village.

Comments (3)

  1. ShinichiYao reporter

    I make a Region based workaround here

            // Get the nearest town
                L2RespawnZone zone = ZoneManager.getInstance().getZone(activeChar, L2RespawnZone.class);
                if (zone != null)
                    return getRestartRegion(activeChar, zone.getRespawnPoint((L2PcInstance) activeChar)).getSpawnLoc();
                if (getMapRegion(activeChar).getBannedRace().containsKey(activeChar.getRace()))
                    return _regions.get(getMapRegion(activeChar).getBannedRace().get(activeChar.getRace())).getSpawnLoc();
                return getMapRegion(activeChar).getSpawnLoc();
            catch (Exception e)
                // Port to the default respawn if no closest town found.
                return _regions.get(defaultRespawn).getSpawnLoc();
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