summon attack stop

Issue #257 new
FinalDestination created an issue

when summon attack and got stunned need to press stop and then attack again instead of attack

Comments (1)

  1. Marduk

    Tested this on the L2J Testserver. Bug confirmed.

    If a servitor attacks and gets stunned, he remains at the same position regardless where the servitors master stands. However, if the servitor just moves somewhere (which happens when you click on stop attack, the servitor runs back to his master), you can simply press attack. So the movement solves the problem. But durding a normal attack, the servitor doesnt move. That is why this bug exists in the first place.

    Let me give you another example. If you walk by an agressive monster and lets say it start to attack your servitor and stuns it. After the stun is gone your servitor is still following you. Then you can simply press attack without having this bug because the servitor moved before you pressed attack.

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