debuff yourself

Issue #266 resolved
FinalDestination created an issue

when u have gm access you can debuff yourself andry check this please

Comments (11)

  1. Anibal Duarte de Oliveira

    Just curious: As "GM access" you mean "the character has accesslevel above 0" or "when account has accesslavel above 0"?

    If is the first: why someone would try to self-debuff? And if it works with only GMs what it's impact in the gameplay?

  2. Sahar Atias

    Lol why would this be wrong? why would I need to log in 2 characters if I can just debuff my self as a GM for testing purposes.

    Focus on the real issues -_-

  3. Anibal Duarte de Oliveira

    I was thinking about it and what @petpal say's it's true: it's a tool to test the debuffs.

    I beleive @Adry_85 need to just close this as invalid, as the "bug" is, in fact, a GM tool.

  4. Marduk

    It is true. As a normal player it doesn’t work (invalid target). If you are a GM/Admin you can do this by holding CTRL at the same time. In fact this makes sense, if you want to try a debuff on yourself without logging in another character. I completely agree with Sahar. This is REALLY not an issue IMO.

    Since normal players cannot do that, the game play is not affected in any way. I suggest to close this issue.

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