Deadly Poison/Bleed Debuff effect can be applied multiple times at sametime

Issue #299 duplicate
UchihaSV created an issue

Debuff Effect Deadly Poison(6815) or Deadly Bleed(6816) from monsters in Dragon Valley:

"Poison seeps deeper and for 10 seconds, 330 HP is decreased every second. If not treated, the poison will worsen. "

"Bleed becomes deeper and for 10 seconds, 330 HP is decreased every second. If not treated, the bleed will worsen."

Sometimes debuff effect can be applied multiple times like: lvl 1, lvl 2, lvl 3, lvl 4..., lvl 16, and all levels of debuff effect at the same time!


<skill id="6816" levels="16" name="Deadly Bleed">
<set name="abnormalTime" val="10" />
<set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
    <effect name="TickHp">
        <param power="#power" />
        <param ticks="5" />
    <effect name="CallSkill">
        <param skillId="6816" skillLevel="#skillLevel" />

Maybe issue in CallSkill with self id after endEffects like loop.

And this does not always happen, but with some chance. Sometime its work normal(the old effect is replaced with new), sometime with issue(new effects are added to the old).

Need fix it because if issue happen gameserver can strong lags and down.

Comments (3)

  1. UchihaSV reporter

    Also debuff effect can be double from different monsters, like 2 icons same debuff(increase to 15 lvl)

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