Girl of Doubt Killcounter Bug

Issue #306 resolved
Avanael created an issue

The killcounter in Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt is global and incremented by every kill without any reset. So in practice, after server restart the first player does this quest and increments the killcounter to 2, the quest becomes unable to finish for all other players.

Fix below should suffice unless there are two players doing the quest at the same time, in my case (small community) that would be very rare. In my opinion, it should be considered if this bug is going to be fixed.

diff --git a/dist/game/data/scripts/quests/Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt/ b/dist/game/data/scripts/quests/Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt/
index 3220fd1..4424afd 100644
--- a/dist/game/data/scripts/quests/Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt/
+++ b/dist/game/data/scripts/quests/Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt/
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
                if (!npc.getVariables().getBoolean(I_QUEST1, false))
+                   killCount = 0;
                    npc.getVariables().set(I_QUEST1, true);
                    addSpawn(CREATURE_OF_THE_DUSK1, 89440, -238016, -9632, getRandom(360), false, 0, false, player.getInstanceId());
                    addSpawn(CREATURE_OF_THE_DUSK2, 89524, -238131, -9632, getRandom(360), false, 0, false, player.getInstanceId());

Comments (4)

  1. Avanael reporter

    Better fix is to let QuestState handle the killCounter.. that way, the killCounter won't interfere with another player

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