Critical Instance BUGs (Zaken Frintezza Freya Tiat...)

Issue #313 new
ShinichiYao created an issue

Player can enter Instance with no reenter time limit

For example: 9 characters enter the instance and killed the Boss, before the instance end they just need kick one member out the party and leave him in the instance, others go out the instance and add one new member to the party then give the the party leader to him, let the new member enter the instance again, the instance will be regenerate with no reenter time limit.

Because missing check if Party or CommandChannel members already enter the instance with same id when firstEntrance is true.

Comments (3)

  1. ShinichiYao reporter

    On first enter each member should be checked if they already enter the instance.

        protected boolean checkConditions(L2PcInstance player)
            for (L2PcInstance channelMember : channel.getMembers())
    +           final InstanceWorld worldTest = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(channelMember);
    +           if (worldTest != null)
    +           {
    +               SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_MAY_NOT_RE_ENTER_YET);
    +               sm.addPcName(channelMember);
    +               party.broadcastPacket(sm);
    +               return false;
    +           }
            return true;

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