Blessed spirit shot SELL price not correct

Issue #319 resolved
roothere created an issue

(Blessd spiritshot No Grade 38 Adenas) Blessed Spiritshot "D" grade 30 Adenas?

More likely should be:
Blessed spiritshot D 56 adenas, and blessed spiritshot C 65 adenas

Comments (9)

  1. Zoey76

    Tax calculation works well, we just tested, seems base price is affected, debugging to find out where.

  2. Pac White

    There is a default city tax by 10%. If castle owner set Tax to 0% there always 10% of CityTax. If no CastleLord exists then its 10% Tax by default.

    Calculation: 28 * 1.1 * 1.0 (BSSD as Example)


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