Cannot connect from client to server on the same network

Issue #335 resolved
Hateless created an issue

The server version: H5 develop branch

I can't connect from my host client to my VM server past the login (login works), and neither my laptop can connect to my computer if it’s on the same network. Both cases get stuck at “confirm” after logging in.

Other people can connect from WAN, and I can connect locally if i change ipconfig to home address but then the others cant connect.

I also tried using both the external IP (through DDNS) and the LAN IP in the l2.ini file, neither works.

Another Interlude pack I used connects fine.

Comments (1)

  1. Hateless reporter

    I fixed it by switching to NAT, port forwarding through the VM and rewriting the ipconfig.xml based on the server automatically configuring one (deleted the premade entries basically).

    I feel like ipconfig.xml deserves some better documentation.

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