Treasure Chests initial implementation failure

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

Treasure Chests don't work as expected and initial implementation is a fail.

Comments (19)

  1. HorridoJoho

    Elaborate on that. What is not working with the current commited treasure chest AI? Be as descriptive as possible with all details you can give!

  2. Sdw-

    I didn't even read Ivan works and I know everything from there is in it. If not elaborate.

  3. UnAfraid

    On retail drops are within AI, ivan made it within AI too, logic is same, i don't see why u wanna customize retail implementation.

  4. HorridoJoho

    Just to clarify some things, i can see that maybe a point does not get across.

    @Sacrifice78: The version i created was based on freya scripts updated with the description from the patch notes you linked. The version from @IvanTotov is based on scripts from a later game version. The problem was that the drop mechanism in xml is different than it has to be for treasure chests. That is why we need the drops in the script.

  5. Иван Тотов

    My Ai is ok from retail script and working good
    But missing core support to work

    Zealar have good core patch for Treasure Chest and we test Ai with his core patch and is OK

    Sacrifice Stop Stealing code who is not yours
    Faking RETARD

    YES i dont have time now for L2J

    But i will not give you to steal my code RETARD

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