.changepassword not working

Issue #340 resolved
Ryan Kent created an issue

L2 Hi5 server, protocol version = 268

On a new installation of L2J the .changepassword function is not working. A screen pops up with a message “404: File Not Found”

My server does have a file which seems designed for this purpose located at: /opt/l2j/server/game/data/html/mods/ChangePassword.htm

I tried changing the file name to .html but that did not help. I kindly suggest that all such errors should show the path to the file being searched, that way site operators can move the file to the proper location.

Comments (5)

  1. Ryan Kent reporter

    Digging a bit deeper I located: /opt/l2j/server/game/script/com/l2jserver/datapack/handlers/voicedcommandhandlers/ChangePassword.java

    // showHTML(activeChar);
    String html = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("en", "data/html/mods/ChangePassword.htm");
    if (html == null) {
    html = "<html><body><br><br><center><font color=LEVEL>404:</font> File Not Found</center></body></html>";
    activeChar.sendPacket(new NpcHtmlMessage(html));
    return true;

    This seems to be the source of the 404 message, and it appears to direct a search for the ChangePassword.htm file in the exact path where it is located, but does not retrieve the file. Not sure why.

  2. Ryan Kent reporter

    I tried creating an “en” folder and copy the ChangePassword.htm file there, but that did not work. /data/html/mods/en/ChangePassword.htm

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