Geodata bug #2

Issue #342 invalid
Ryan Kent created an issue

L2 Hi5 server, protocol version = 268

While using the World Teleporter Gatekeeper which comes with L2J, I experienced a geodata issue twice so far today. When porting with characters below level 40, the gatekeeper does not give you options of where to port. If you choose to port, it will randomly teleport you to a hunting area based on your level. Twice today I ported with a level 1 character from the Giran World Teleporter and was taken to somewhere in the Rune area. Specifically -95620, -240211, -3251. See screenshot. The coords matched exactly both times.

As you can see from the screenshot, it is a geodata bug. The first time I relogged I was placed in Rune township. The second time (different char) I relogged and received a game crash: General protection fault!

History: UMasterLevel::GetModel <- Draw <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

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