Enabling Multi Language makes server unusable

Issue #343 resolved
Ryan Kent created an issue

Server branch is Hi5.


Below is the DEFAULT customs.properties file that is part of a standard install of

Change MultiLangEnable from False to True then restart game server to duplicate issue.

All dialogue boxes become instantly unavailable. Instead of the proper dialogue boxes appearing, the boxes show error messages such as “404 Not Found”, “My text is missing: /data/html/admin/main_menu.htm” and similar messages. The files remain at their proper location.

My best guess is once the flag is enabled, the path used to locate the files change to one which includes an extra folder names after the desired language. For example /data/html/admin/main_menu.htm becomes /data/html/admin/en/main_menu.htm

As a result, players cannot interact with ANY npc (gatekeepers, quests, etc), GMs cannot bring up the //admin menu, buffs are not available through NPCs nor Community Board and so fourth. The game is unplayable.

Suggested fix:

  1. Assuming my theory is correct and the file path changes, disable the change for the Default language
  2. Update the error messages to show the path the system is searching rather than provide a hard-coded path which is not being used.

Multilingual support

Enable or disable multilingual support.

Default: False

MultiLangEnable = False

Default language, if not defined.

Default: en

MultiLangDefault = en

List of allowed languages, comma separated.

Default: en;ru

MultiLangAllowed = en,ru

Enable or disable voice command .lang for changing languages on the fly.

Default: True

MultiLangVoiceCommand = True

Enable or disable multilingual SystemMessages support.

Default: False

MultiLangSystemMessageEnable = False

List of allowed languages for SystemMessages, comma separated.


MultiLangSystemMessageAllowed =

Enable or disable multilingual NpcStrings support.

Default: False

MultiLangNpcStringEnable = False

List of allowed languages for NpcStrings, comma separated.


MultiLangNpcStringAllowed =

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