Skill cond checkabnormal

Issue #357 resolved
Maneco2 created an issue

checkabnormal is in ConditionCheckAbnormal, skill.xds DP

this status contain in skill xml <cond

If the abnormalType is already present in buff list, in retail the skill is not used in the skill 9149, contain abnormalType VOTE

Some skills have this abnormalType and not implemented yet, possible test this with an normal buff also, for check the condition problem!

Method used in the skill:

<cond msgId="113" addName="1">

<player levelRange="80;85" />



also tryed both methods without sucess

<player checkabnormal="VOTE" />

<player checkabnormal="VOTE;1;false" />

<target checkabnormal="VOTE" />

<target checkabnormal="VOTE;1;false" />

This skills is not re-used if the character already have the effect!

Need wait end the buff for use the skill again

Fix in the patch:

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