Order of soul consumption vs its damage boost

Issue #55 resolved
Galaster created an issue

This might not be an actual issue at all, it's hard to know for sure with damage having the big random variance that it has.

Reading the L2Character-onMagicHitTimer method it appears that the amount of souls that the player currently has is decremented just before calling callSkill. If using a skill that is boosted by the player's charged souls, the damage calculation will be done after having already decreased his soul count, meaning that if the player has 5 souls and uses a skill that uses up to 5 souls, by the time the skill's damage is calculated (in MagicalSoulAttack) the player has already spent them and won't be factored in the calculation. If the player has 6 souls, only 1 soul will be boosting the skill's damage and so on. I'm reporting this issue completely untested because I'm on vacation and I can't test it and make sure myself, but from what I read in the code this is the impression that I'm getting.

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