Can't start Q00182_NewRecruits

Issue #66 resolved
Trystanosaurus created an issue

As a dwarf (level 18, haven't started first transfer quest) I was unable to pick up the Kamael village quest New Recruits.

When I spoke to Kekropus he kept refusing the quest, sending me to 32138-00b.html - We are looking for foreigners that can help the youth of our race. Do you know anyone who would be suitable? (Only non-Kamael characters between level 18 and 20 who have not completed their first class transfer may embark on this quest.)

The problem seems to be from the checking that the character hasn't done their first transfer, changing line 100 of

else if ((level >= 17) && (level <= 21) && (player.getClassId().ordinal() == 0)) to else if ((level >= 17) && (level <= 21))

allowed me to pick up the quest correctly but that's obviously just a hack.