PHP error messages for 1.4.5

Issue #11 resolved
Michael McGinnis created an issue

Thanks for your hard work.

I see the following PHP debugging messages in 1.4.4 and 1.4.5:

Notice: Undefined property: WordPressSettingsFramework::$plugin_path in /srv/www/vhosts/wptest/wp-content/plugins/sb-rss-feed-plus/settings/sbrssfeed-cfg.php on line 3

Notice: Use of undefined constant SB_RSS_feed_plus - assumed 'SB_RSS_feed_plus' in /srv/www/vhosts/wptest/wp-content/plugins/sb-rss-feed-plus/settings/sbrssfeed-cfg.php on line 105

Notice: Use of undefined constant SB_RSS_feed_plus - assumed 'SB_RSS_feed_plus' in /srv/www/vhosts/wptest/wp-content/plugins/sb-rss-feed-plus/settings/sbrssfeed-cfg.php on line 112

Comments (6)

  1. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    Sorry for that. I'm now working on fixing them all and also other small problems (bug in uninstall hook). Next version should fix all the PHP NOTICE messages.

  2. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    ok, there was one notice I missed... In fact, there were 2 notices on this line of code - both were the same :( fixed now... sending out as update.

    thank you for reporting it!

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