Plugin not working at all, uninstall not possible

Issue #4 wontfix
Tobias created an issue


I inastalled the plugin because I wanted to do a full RSS feed (public only short).

The plugin causes heavy problems:

  • the full RSS feed is not working.
  • changes I do in wordpress (settings; full feed or short feed) are not applied anymore
  • images are dispayes in the feed, I cannot deactivate
  • any changes made in the RB RSS full plugin are not applied
  • deinstall and dele of SB RSS plugin: no changes applied

I know sometimes plugins do not work, however, I do not like that even when deactivated or unistalled I cannot get back to my original RSS feed. please help to get it working.

Comments (1)

  1. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    hello, sorry to hear about your problems :(

    SB RSS feed plus is using public and native WordPress hooks and filters to modify and alter build-in feed generating. There is no unofficial hacks or code changes to the native WP code. When the plugin is deactivated or deleted from WP, it won't (can't) modify the feed. There may be a problem with caching. WordPress RSS feed is cached and maybe cached by another external plugins or even client-side. By default, RSS feed is cached by WP for a few minutes and is rebuild with any change in post content and / or plugin activation / deactivation. If you are using any 3rd party cache plugin (even db / object cache), try to flush this cache. Also some 3rd party reverse-proxy may cache the feed (cloudflare, ngix proxy server, ...)

    Please, try to connect to your FTP and check that the plugin is deleted. It should be, but if the plugin code is still there it may be loaded by WordPress (WordPress should not load any deactivated plugin).

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