full article in description

Issue #7 resolved
Former user created an issue

hi i'm work on a smart phone app and my source is rss of websites .i use SB-RSS_feed-plus for get full text but this app send fulltext to encoded. how i can get full text on description ?

Comments (7)

  1. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    this is not implemented in this version, sorry. But I can update the plugin with an option to allow select of <encoded> tag or extending <description> tag. Bt I have to check... Current version is just switching WordPress option based on the key in the feed url. I have to check, that I can "force" WP to use <description> tag. If not, I will have to "hack" it there. I will let you know later about updated version :)


    thank's very much.but i most publish my works in thees week.how long it works to your plugin got in new version ?

    thank again.

  3. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    I hope to have this update ready next week (monday / tuesday). i will let you know about timeframe... I need to do some research at home later today :)

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