right to left ?

Issue #8 wontfix
KOROSHKKUNITED created an issue

hi all

i'm working on some things that work with rss. but all of rss plugins can't support persian/arabic language !! in this language words are right to left and in rss it's not so good .can anybody add persian/arabic support to this plugin? exp: http://kaugroup.ir/feed

Comments (9)

  1. KOROSHKKUNITED reporter

    that's great !if every thing goes good please share with my when new version will release

  2. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    hi, I have tested several ways how to force RTL, but with no success :( all RSS readers I tested just ignoring the RTL "settings"... I will keep trying.

  3. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    there is still hope, but for now... I can't figure it out :( I hope, I will have time next week for another tests, but right now it seems that the only way to force RTL is using correct language code and RSS reader that can detect it. But all clients I tested just don't wan't to set RTL. I have found some discussion on Firefox developer forums about adding RTL support to Firefox feed renderer engine.

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