btree_gist module needed?

Issue #1 resolved
Paul BB Tremberth created an issue

Doing a full-dump re-import, when running sql/CreateIndexes.sql, I had this error

ERROR: data type text has no default operator class for access method "gist" HINT : You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.

coming from: CREATE INDEX medium_index_idx ON medium_index USING gist (toc); (medium_index' toc field originally of type CUBE being translated to TEXT following the README instructions)

I had to add the btree_gist extension from postgresl-contrib as superuser (CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist) to make it work

Does it make sense to add it in the README or is it just my setup?

Comments (3)

  1. Lukáš Lalinský repo owner

    Sorry, I forgot to update the name in the in the README file. The default instructions contain a few greps and things like that to avoid these extensions. The tracklist_index table which was mentioned in README was renamed to medium_index in this schema change, but I did not update the file accordingly.

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