Replication hangs

Issue #9 resolved
Luuk de Waal Malefijt created an issue

After setting up the database, I ran ./

It did a few, but it hangs on the same packet. How can I debug this?

Comments (4)

  1. Lukáš Lalinský repo owner

    Well, what exactly does "hang" mean? Do you see activity in the PostgreSQL database (CPU usage, logs, pg_stat_activity)? What traceback do you see when you interrupt it? Maybe the database is just too slow? Which packet number is it?

  2. Luuk de Waal Malefijt reporter

    Sorry! I think I've figured it out based on your comment. My SSH session kept ending with 'broken pipe' error, due to the length of the process. It also terminated the session process so this big packet wouldn't probably finish.

  3. Lukáš Lalinský repo owner

    If you are running the process over SSH, it's generally a good idea to start it inside tmux or screen. That way you can log off, it will continue to work and when you log in and attach the session, you will be back where you were before you logged off.

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