Expose the curTransaction thread variable

Issue #11 resolved
Sridhar Ramachandran repo owner created an issue

(Request from user)

"With Blueprints' automatic beginning of transactions, it is easy for a user to not realize that a transaction has been started on his behalf. This in turn makes it easy for transactions to leak. In a general application context where thread pools are commonly used this can cause all sorts of bugs. "

Comments (4)

  1. Pieter Martin


    Can you please add the isTransactionActive() method to BitsyAutoReloadingGraph.

    Thanks Pieter

  2. Sridhar Ramachandran reporter

    Sorry about that. The method is now in BitsyAutoReloadingGraph as well. There are also some basic tests to make sure that it works on all three graph types.

    LInk to code changes

    The 1.2 snapshot in Maven should have the fix. Please let me know if you still have problems.

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