getPropertyKeys throws ELEMENT_ALREADY_DELETED

Issue #4 resolved
Giuseppe Santoro created an issue

If you delete an element and then, before commit, you call the method getPropertyKeys will throw an ELEMENT_ALREADY_DELETED.

In my use case I'm implementing a delete with cascade of some vertex/relationship, when I want to print the properties of a "just" deleted node or relationship (this can happens because I'm traversing the graph) I get this error.

I think it should be not thrown, what do you think about it?

Comments (2)

  1. Sridhar Ramachandran repo owner

    Bitsy only supports getId() deleted nodes/edges, and on vertices/edges outside the transactional scope. I kept it strict to catch bugs in the calling application.

    I had several cases in my app where I was making modifications to deleted nodes, or nodes from a different transaction. This was causing unpredictable behavior in the previous database I was using (prior to developing Bitsy). This is the reason for the strict checks.

    I have a cascading-delete use-case in my app, where I do something like this:

    void removeSomeVertex(Vertex v) {
       for (... loop over outgoing edges...) {
          ... delete edge
          ... recursive call to removeSomeVertex on the in vertex
       ... add debug message on removing the vertex

    This ensures that you are not accessing deleted edges or vertices, and won't get stuck in infinite loops.

    You can also implement the same thing with a Stack to avoid StackOverflow in deep graphs. I think the depthFirst method in this post shows such an implementation. You won't need this unless you have a very deep cascading delete.

    Let me know if this works. My preference is to keep the database behavior strict.

  2. Giuseppe Santoro reporter

    Thank you for your response, I understand your point of view, that is absolutely correct.

    In this moment, my traversal code is written through a gremlin pipeline so I can not assert the navigation behavior, at least I think.

    However we can consider the proposal closed. Thank you again.

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