puppet-lint issues

Issue #1 resolved
Jason Lee created an issue

amazon_ses/manifests/init.pp:115:class_inherits_from_params_class:WARNING:class inheriting from params class amazon_ses/manifests/init.pp:105:class_parameter_defaults:WARNING:parameterised class parameter without a default value amazon_ses/manifests/init.pp:106:class_parameter_defaults:WARNING:parameterised class parameter without a default value amazon_ses/manifests/init.pp:107:class_parameter_defaults:WARNING:parameterised class parameter without a default value


Comments (2)

  1. Michael Speth

    @jyleeadt I have accounted for this in the Rakefile line 16. So this module builds without issue in our build system (TeamCity).

    Even though lint complains when not disabling the check, its common practice to use inheritance in this way. The PuppetLabs/apache module uses this construct.

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