spantree/java8 old apt dependency

Issue #12 resolved
Marco de Krijger created an issue

Because the spantree/java8 depedency requires an old APT module (puppetlabs/apt (>= 1.0.1 <= 2.3.0) referenced @

This module almost becomes unusable (unable to install), because many modern modules require puppetlabs/apt >=4.0.0 <=5.0.0

Also, you removed installation of oracle java 8 (your latest changelog says so). So why not remove the dependency? It isnt used anymore?

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Speth

    Thank you for the PR's. I will look into changing the dependency for puppetlabs/apt. I suspect that 4.0.0 -> 5.0.0 should work.

  2. Michael Speth

    The requirement for puppetlabs/apt is >= 2.0.0

        {"name":"puppetlabs/apt", "version_requirement":">= 2.0.0"}

    Are you having issues with this requirement?

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