Service doesn't start automatically

Issue #15 resolved
Former user created an issue

If Puppet is restarted, the solr service doesn't start/restart automatically. I believe 'subscribe' should be changed to 'require' here, in init.pp:

class{'solr::service': subscribe => Class['solr::config'], }

Also may need to add enable => true, to the service.pp

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Speth

    Can you please provide additional information so that I can trouble shoot? Does the solr service restart correctly if the configuration changes for instance. But if the configuration changes and the puppet agent is restarted, it does not? Or is it the puppet master/server is restarted, the service doesn't automatically restart on a configuration change?

    Also, the service class for the solr has the enable => true flag already set.

    If class{'solr::service': subscribe => Class['solr::config'], } is changed to a require, than the solr service will not restart based on configuration changes.

    Thank you

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