systemd service file doesn't work with recent versions of systemd

Issue #19 resolved
Steve Mokris created an issue

systemd switched to stricter PIDFile handling, and after updating systemd, I get this error when landcareresearch’s Solr module tries to start Solr:

New main PID … does not belong to service, and PID file is not owned by root. Refusing.

…then it shuts down Solr.

If I change the module’s service file to this simpler version, it’s able to successfully launch Solr:

Description=Apache SOLR
ExecStart=/opt/solr/bin/solr start -noprompt -f

Comments (11)

  1. Steve Mokris reporter

    Here’s a patch. (I’d submit a PR, but I don’t have permission to submit PRs to this repo.)

    diff --git a/templates/solr.service.epp b/templates/solr.service.epp
    index 4852caf..5f35807 100644
    --- a/templates/solr.service.epp
    +++ b/templates/solr.service.epp
    @@ -11,14 +11,8 @@
     Description=Apache SOLR
    -PIDFile=<%= $solr_pid_dir %>/solr-<%= $solr_port %>.pid
     Environment=SOLR_INCLUDE=<%= $solr_env %>
    -ExecStart=<%= $solr_bin %>/solr start -noprompt
    -ExecRestart=<%= $solr_bin %>/solr restart -noprompt
    -ExecStop=<%= $solr_bin %>/solr stop -noprompt
    -ExecStatus=<%= $solr_bin %>/solr status -noprompt
    -ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
    +ExecStart=<%= $solr_bin %>/solr start -noprompt -f

  2. Michael Speth

    I have attempted to apply the changes in the patch. However, these changes break both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. WIthout the PID specified as well as start,restart,stop,status, and reload, solr directly fails right away and SystemD doesn’t seem to know what to do. I am looking into the Stricter PIDFile handling for a possible solution that will also working on older versions of systemd.

  3. Michael Speth

    What operating system are you encountering this bug? I would like to try to replicate. Thank you.

  4. Steve Mokris reporter

    Thanks for investigating. I ran into the problem on a CentOS 7 VM (a SmartOS LX Zone).

    $ cat /etc/redhat-release 
    CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
    $ uname -a
    Linux … 3.13.0 BrandZ virtual linux x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    $ yum info systemd
    Name        : systemd
    Arch        : x86_64
    Version     : 219
    Release     : 67.el7_7.1.0.1

  5. Michael Speth

    Hi Steve. I have updated the master branch of this project with a working Vagrant testing environment. Its using Centos7.7. The way I was able to replicate this issue was to provision the vm with vagrant and using puppet (here are the steps).

    cd vagrant

    I logged in using ‘vagrant ssh’ and then issued sudo service solr status. This returned the error described in this issue.

    The work around I found was to do the following

    sudo service solr restart

    Solr seems to be working without issue:

    sudo service solr status
    Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status solr.service
    * solr.service - Apache SOLR
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/solr.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-10-29 02:12:08 UTC; 5min ago
     Main PID: 1252 (java)
       CGroup: /system.slice/solr.service
               └─1252 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0/bin/java -server -Xms512m -Xmx5

    Can you try to manually restart the service and see if you still get the same error?

  6. Steve Mokris reporter

    Can you try to manually restart the service and see if you still get the same error?

    Yes, I still get the same error. I suspect the problem is specific to the SmartOS LX environment (which doesn’t support some syscalls used in recent systemd versions).

    Would you be open to either 1. using the above simpler systemd service file only when on SmartOS LX ($::virtual=='lxc'), or 2. exposing a parameter to optionally prevent this Puppet class from automatically creating a systemd service file?

  7. Darryl Friesen

    I came across this issue while investigating some problems I was having with RHEL 8.4 and Solr 8.9.0. I tried Steve’s stripped down service file, and that seemed to resolve my problems.

    I was initially having issues with the PID file location, similar to what Steve mentioned in his original message. Once that was dealt with however, Solr would start, then immediately shutdown. The key to solving this issue seems to be the -f flag he used on the ExecStart command.

    I’ll also mention that ExecRestart and ExecStatus do not seem to be standard systemd service file options, and cause warnings on my RHEL 8 systems. The stripped down version of the service file given by Steve fixes those issues as well.

  8. Darryl Friesen

    There is a proposed solr.service file in this Apache Solr issue, so systemd support may be added to in the future.

    Short term, I’ve been creating /etc/systemd/system/solr.service.d/override.conf to override all the settings in this module’s version of the service file.

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