Cannot independently set heap and stack size

Issue #22 resolved
Peter Heiner created an issue

$solr_heap is a mandatory variable that the module uses to set SOLR_HEAP in /etc/default/solr, and it results in both the heap and stack being set to the same amount and these settings overriding any SOLR_JAVA_MEM options one would pass through $solr_environment.

Making $solr_heap set SOLR_JAVA_MEM instead and adding a separate optional $solr_stack variable would enable fixing this in a backwards compatible way.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Speth

    @Peter Heiner Thank you for your submission. I have implemented the requested changes. The documentation can be found here for the solr_java_mem parameter. The changes have been uploaded to puppet forge @ version 6.0.3.

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