install_solr_service doesn't have -n option anymore

Issue #30 resolved
Rob Bos created an issue

Installing solr via puppet on a fresh VM just now, first attempt, just with class { ‘solr’: }. I’ve never done this before but I’m pretty sure this shouldn’t happen.

Info: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[extract install script]: Scheduling refresh of Exec[]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: ERROR: Unrecognized or misplaced argument: -n!
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: Usage: path_to_solr_distribution_archive OPTIONS
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:   The first argument to the script must be a path to a Solr distribution archive, such as solr-5.0.0.tgz
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     (only .tgz or .zip are supported formats for the archive)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:   Supported OPTIONS include:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -d     Directory for live / writable Solr files, such as logs, pid files, and index data; defaults to /var/solr
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -i     Directory to extract the Solr installation archive; defaults to /opt/
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:              The specified path must exist prior to using this script.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -p     Port Solr should bind to; default is 8983
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -s     Service name; defaults to solr
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -u     User to own the Solr files and run the Solr process as; defaults to solr
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:              This script will create the specified user account if it does not exist.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:     -f     Upgrade Solr. Overwrite symlink and init script of previous installation.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns: 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]/returns:  NOTE: Must be run as the root user
Error: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]: Failed to call refresh: '/opt/solr_downloads/  "/opt/solr_downloads/solr-6.2.0.tgz" -f -i "/opt" -d "/var/solr" -u solr -p 8983 -n' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Solr::Install/Exec[]: '/opt/solr_downloads/  "/opt/solr_downloads/solr-6.2.0.tgz" -f -i "/opt" -d "/var/solr" -u solr -p 8983 -n' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Info: Class[Solr::Install]: Unscheduling all events on Class[Solr::Install]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/File[/var/log/solr]: Dependency Exec[] has failures: true

Comments (5)

  1. Rob Bos reporter

    also it downloaded solr-6.2.0 in /opt/solr_downloads, that doesn’t sound right, since the latest version is 8.11.1

  2. Rob Bos reporter

    The manifests/init.pp specifies 6.2.0 by default. I specified version => ‘8.11.1’ and it seems to work.

    I’ll leave the issue open because “installs a broken version by default” should probably still be considered a bug.

  3. Michael Speth

    Thank you for your report. I have set the default version of Solr to 6.6.6 (versions earlier than 6.3.0 do not have the -n installation option). If you want to use a version without the -n option, you can set the ‘install_options’ parameter to an empty string.

    So the following would work.

      install_options => ''

    These changes have been applied in the master branch of the git repo and deployed to the forge.

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