Disable prompt for asking WLAN and bluetooth permission

Issue #151 wontfix
WL Ng created an issue

I am using HTC E8. When I using some applications which require turn on/off WLAN or bluetooth (such as Snapdragon BatteryGurn), Sense 6 always prompt me for asking permission. Is it possible to add a function to disable this prompt for selected application.

Comments (7)

  1. Mikanoshi

    It is possible to bypass Bluetooth dialog by automatically sending Yes reply (there is even a special variable for that already). Maybe for WLAN it is possible too, I didn't find it yet I won't add per app options to Toolbox, so it's all or nothing, but disabling these dialogs globally can be a security risk.

  2. WL Ng reporter

    May I known where is the special variable for configure it send Yes reply. Since if it is not possible to set it per app, I still want to set it globally. Thx

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