Remove Navbar Completely which still showing on some apps

Issue #202 closed
Wewenk Sukmajaya created an issue

Hi, I am on M7C_DUG 802w

Last time I have completely remove navbar on some apps like Line ot such full screen apps. To access menu I only have to long press home button, with off course set the home assist on Control Mods.

Now in Line apps the navbar always show up even if I set the control mods.

How to disable tue navbar?

I tried edit hwkeys on build.prop the navbar is gone but the menu access by longpress home button is gone too.


Comments (3)

  1. Mikanoshi

    Remove hwkeys prop and select long press for menu for Home, that's all you need, any tweaks or apps that try to hide navbar can show it instead. If nothing is working, try to set persist.sys.navbar.hide prop to true.

  2. Mikanoshi

    Well, I don't have navbar in Line and have all the Toolbox mods enabled, so it's not a Toolbox problem and also not something that should be changed by Toolbox. Some other things may change build props (custom kernel or init.d script), but it's an offtopic here.

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