Youtube Channel Watermark = Non-Immersive youtube

Issue #207 closed
Former user created an issue

With the YouTube channel watermark mod enabled in various mods settings, the statusbar and nav bar don't disappear when playing certain videos.

Comments (4)

  1. Mikanoshi

    Are you sure it's the mod? It just makes watermark transparent. I also have this bug, but it is rare and random, can appear on any video.

  2. mbnaeem

    I'm pretty sure it must be. All I know is that YouTube videos started becoming non immersive for me after I installed this toolbox. Today I was watching a non immersive video, paused it, disabled the yt watermark mod and replayed the same video in immersive. In fact every video since has been immersive.

  3. mbnaeem

    Yep you were right. It still happens with the YouTube mod off I guess I'll just have to try force immersive mod from xposed

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