wake up bypassing lockscreen

Issue #217 wontfix
Former user created an issue

First. Awesome job with the toolbox. HTC one m7 international arhd 90.1 elementalx 19.5 When I use wake gestures , wake up bypassing lock screen. It actually opens the lock screen for a second and then my pattern lock shows up. So what happens is when I swipe to unlock the screen goes full bright(lock screen) then Dims down to the shade of the pattern lock. would like to have this fixed. In kit Kat it would go straight to pattern lock.

Comments (2)

  1. Mikanoshi

    Unlock has a slide up animation, so it has to open lockscreen first and then show unlock window. And this is a stock method that is used on HTC One M8 for Motion Gestures. I can only delay screen turning on, which is not better at all :)

  2. Mikanoshi

    HTC also removed bypass method from new lock screen itself, so returning option in Settings has no effect. You can still bypass lockscreen using Wake gestures.

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