Process has died

Issue #226 closed
Former user created an issue

It shows with no rules. Here is catlog:

--------- beginning of main
05-12 16:08:45.587 W/ContextImpl(752): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$5400:265$SupplicantStartedState.processMessage:7943 
05-12 16:08:45.698 D/PMS     (752): acquireWL(3a6bcc37): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK  encrypted_tag 0x1 17325 10139 null
05-12 16:08:45.868 D/Process (25196): killProcess, pid=25196
05-12 16:08:45.868 D/Process (25196):$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException:138 java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException:693 java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException:690 
05-12 16:08:45.878 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): setSystemUiVisibility(0x40000700)
05-12 16:08:45.878 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
05-12 16:08:45.878 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): hiding MENU key
05-12 16:08:45.948 I/LBE-Sec (752): process [pid=25196, uid=10050] died
05-12 16:08:45.948 W/InputDispatcher(752): channel '3b2a81c2 (s)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
05-12 16:08:45.948 E/InputDispatcher(752): channel '3b2a81c2 (s)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-12 16:08:45.948 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(752): *** Keyguard disconnected (boo!)
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/Process (752): killProcessQuiet, pid=25196
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/Process (752):$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1212 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:559 
05-12 16:08:45.948 W/AudioService(752): Current remote volume controller died, unregistering
05-12 16:08:45.948 E/InputEventReceiver(29770): Looper::removeFd(40) is failed, result(0), input channel 'ClientState{2d4a5486 uid 10050 pid 25196} (c)'
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/MediaRouterService(752): Client (pid 25196): Died!
05-12 16:08:45.948 I/ActivityManager(752): Recipient 25196
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/WifiService(752): Client connection lost with reason: 4
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/WifiService(752): Client connection lost with reason: 4
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/ConnectivityService(752): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9f21e1f)
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/ConnectivityService(752): releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ] called by uid/pid=1000/1000
05-12 16:08:45.948 D/ConnectivityService(752): sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
05-12 16:08:45.948 E/ConnectivityService(752): RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
05-12 16:08:45.958 W/WallpaperManagerService(752): Wallpaper service gone: ComponentInfo{}
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752): Error calling dismiss
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752): android.os.DeadObjectException
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at$Stub$Proxy.dismiss(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at$VolumeController.postDismiss(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at$3.binderDied(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/VolumeController(752):     at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
05-12 16:08:45.968 D/AudioService(752): Volume controller: VolumeController(null,mVisible=false)
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/InputDispatcher(752): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '3b2a81c2 (s)'
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/InputDispatcher(752): channel '1cc871c4 StatusBar (s)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
05-12 16:08:45.968 E/InputDispatcher(752): channel '1cc871c4 StatusBar (s)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/InputDispatcher(752): channel '1c41bcd5 FloatingMenuWindow (s)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
05-12 16:08:45.968 E/InputDispatcher(752): channel '1c41bcd5 FloatingMenuWindow (s)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/InputDispatcher(752): channel '3b829b6d Heads Up (s)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
05-12 16:08:45.968 E/InputDispatcher(752): channel '3b829b6d Heads Up (s)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/InputDispatcher(752): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '1cc871c4 StatusBar (s)'
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752): Remote Exception
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752): android.os.DeadObjectException
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at$Stub$Proxy.isSecure(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doDie(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.ViewRootImpl.die(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeViewLocked(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeView(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.removeViewImmediate(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at$1.handleMessage(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 W/KeyguardServiceWrapper(752):   at
05-12 16:08:45.968 I/WindowManager(752): WINDOW DIED Window{3b2a81c2 u0}
05-12 16:08:45.968 I/WindowManager(752): WINDOW DIED Window{1cc871c4 u0 StatusBar}
05-12 16:08:45.978 W/InputDispatcher(752): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '1c41bcd5 FloatingMenuWindow (s)'
05-12 16:08:45.978 I/WindowState(752): WIN DEATH: Window{1c41bcd5 u0 FloatingMenuWindow}
05-12 16:08:45.978 I/WindowState(752): WIN DEATH: Window{1cc871c4 u0 StatusBar EXITING}
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/InputDispatcher(752): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '3b829b6d Heads Up (s)'
05-12 16:08:45.988 I/WindowState(752): WIN DEATH: Window{3b829b6d u0 Heads Up}
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752): Failed looking up window
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@3a8bee0d does not exist
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752):    at
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752):    at
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752):    at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/WindowManager(752):    at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
05-12 16:08:45.988 I/WindowState(752): WIN DEATH: null
05-12 16:08:45.988 W/InputMethodManagerService(752): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@31970696 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2b7c481a, client pid=3457, inputType=0x(null)
05-12 16:08:45.988 I/WindowManager(752): WINDOW DIED Window{1c41bcd5 u0 FloatingMenuWindow}
05-12 16:08:45.988 I/WindowManager(752): WINDOW DIED Window{3b829b6d u0 Heads Up}
05-12 16:08:45.988 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): setSystemUiVisibility(0x700)
05-12 16:08:45.988 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
05-12 16:08:45.988 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): hiding MENU key
05-12 16:08:46.008 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): setSystemUiVisibility(0x3610000)
05-12 16:08:46.008 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x3610000 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
05-12 16:08:46.008 D/StatusBarManagerService(752): hiding MENU key
05-12 16:08:46.008 D/NotificationService(752): onSetDisabled: 0x3610000
05-12 16:08:46.048 I/FeedGridScroller(3457): updateBottomBoundary() - 195 -> 195
05-12 16:08:46.048 I/InputMethodManagerService(752): Disable input method client, pid=3457
05-12 16:08:46.048 I/InputMethodManagerService(752): Enable input method client, pid=752
05-12 16:08:46.058 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(3457): reportFullscreenMode on inactive InputConnection
05-12 16:08:46.068 I/ActivityManager(752): Process (pid 25196) has died
05-12 16:08:46.068 W/ActivityManager(752): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 0ms
05-12 16:08:46.068 W/ActivityManager(752): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 0ms
05-12 16:08:46.068 W/ActivityManager(752): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 0ms
05-12 16:08:46.128 I/ActivityManager(752): Start proc for restart pid=7523 uid=10050 gids={50050, 9997, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001, 3006, 5001, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a

HTC M7 5.0.2 sense 6.0 any idea?

Comments (8)

  1. Mikanoshi

    There is no SystemUI error in your log. If you are using Better Heads Up, then disable "Hide Dismiss button" option.

  2. Mikanoshi

    I have this error too, something to do with resources. It happens randomly in different system apps. Error doesn't point directly to any Toolbox code, so I can't fix it. Might be even an Xposed bug when replacing resources.

  3. Mikanoshi

    If you still have this problem after latest Xposed framework v64 update, email me at and I'll send you a separate module that fixes the problem.

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