Better heads-up bug + improvement suggestion

Issue #239 on hold
Former user created an issue

I've been having problems with better heads up, with notifications being shown multiple times for the same thing, even after dismissing. Sometimes a heads-up will be shown intermittently for a notification as if it's being snoozed not dismissed. Sometimes it will go crazy and keep showing the heads up even when the notification is dismissed and not present in the notification bar.

Here are some option suggestions: * only allow one heads-up once per notification * have timeout option to hide heads-up display after a few seconds, so you can just ignore it and will eventually disappear * option to dismiss on screen press anywhere other than on head-up window

Currently I need to use the independent heads up plugin since the sense toolbox version is missing these features

Comments (2)

  1. Mikanoshi

    What Toolbox version are you using? What ROM? Heads-up pops up every time notification is posted. Apps should not post clearable notifications continuously to display progress, that is what ongoing notifications are for, such apps should be fixed. But showing dismissed notifications is not normal, notifications from what apps usually have this bug?

    Better heads-up mod has a goal to make access to notifications as fast as possible, so hiding them after a few seconds doesn't make sense. If you are using a device, just swipe up the heads-up to get rid of it. It's faster than waiting for a timeout. Dismissing by touching outside of the heads-up can be triggered accidentally if you are actively touching the screen when notification arrives.

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