App keep crashes

Issue #242 closed
Former user created an issue

I have post an issue yesterday, but for some reason you've just closed it.

my original message: " Hello, I have the htc one 9 plus. I have roored it and installed xposed, and after that I had install sense toolbox 2.0. I installed it once, then uninstalled it and then installed all over, but it never worked! The app just crash at the moment i open it. I'm running Android 5.0.2. Please help me ^_^

the Comments was: Mikanoshi changed status to closed Latest HTC One M9+ update has the same changes as in 5.1, so it's not compatible with Sense Toolbox yet. " I forgot to mention that I have the htc one E9 PLUS, not the m9. I'm not running andriod 5.1 , this the older 5.0.2 version, so the sense toolbox should work just like it works in htc m9.

Comments (1)

  1. Mikanoshi

    No, it shouldn't. Read my answer again. M9+ 5.0.2 has the same breaking changes to HTC frameworks as M9 5.1.

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