Fingerprint Scanner not turning Screen on from Locked

Issue #288 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Hi Team,

Have a M9+ (m9pw) and when Sense Toolbox is installed from Locked with screen off a press and hold of the fingerprint scanner unlocks the phone but the screen remains dark and must use the power button to switch the screen on.

Been through many settings to fix this issue but cannot find a fix myself so thought I would report it, thanks.


Comments (2)

  1. sojourner353

    Update: Found what's causing it, I enabled "No screen light up on charge" and his broke the lighting up of the screen when touching the fingerprint scanner, disabling this restores it to proper function.

  2. Mikanoshi

    Yes, it is incompatible with any settings that cause device to wake up on low level (that includes Motion Launch gestures). Have to add a warning to the mod...

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