Htc Dot View Case - Lock if closed - not unlocking if opened

Issue #290 resolved
Christian Schünke created an issue

HTC one m9+ HTC Dot view Case.

If I close the case the phone locks itself, screen becomes dark. On reopening the Case the phone should turn back on but it stays dark until I press the lock button.

Comments (2)

  1. Albert

    I do not consider this 'resolved'.

    I had the same problem, which was quite annoying.

    It took me quite a while to find out what caused it, and avoid the problem. Which is of course something else than resolving it.

    To let any other user avoid this pitfall and go all over this process again, I would appreciate if you would either. - Create a warning at the option. - Disable the option in appropriate cases. - Fix the option to simply work. - Remove the option.

    Test case: HTC M8s, Sense 6.0, Android 5.0.2.

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