Various Mods not working and Mod Suggestions

Issue #316 new
Former user created an issue

I am running ARHD 93.0 (Sense 6, Android 5.0.2) on my M7. Xposed Installer 3.0-alpha4 and xposed-v86-sdk21-arm framework.

Interface Mods - Recent Apps: not a single mod working for me

Sense Mods - App drawer: Won't turn transparent, event at 0%

Control Mods - Home Assist not working when action is set to "none". For me it keeps asking what to do, open Google or Secure Settings or Firefox-Search

Mod Suggestions - Traffic Meter always next to Wifi Icon or (If Wifi is disabled) next to Signal Bars - Hide permissive app notifications in Notification Bar (With this I mean notifications that you can't "delete" or swipe away) - Landscape support on Homescreen - Wallpaper scrolling when sliding trough homescreens - Leave "Quick Flashlight" enabled while it's enabled and the screen gets turned on, maybe also an option to leave it enabled after screen gets turned back off

Comments (4)

  1. Mikanoshi

    Recent apps - all mods are for grid layout.

    App drawer transparency won't apply to default background, you have to activate a theme with a custom one or select it yourself.

    "No action" (or something that means "None" in other translations) option disables the mod, so stock assistant is active.

    "Traffic Meter always next to Wifi Icon". Text looks better when on the side and not between icons.

    "Hide notifications that you can't "delete" or swipe away". All of them?)

    "Landscape support on Homescreen". HTC is working on it. And it will require changes in a lot of mods.

    "Wallpaper scrolling when sliding trough homescreens". Live wallpapers, I use Xperia one. It's cool.

    "Quick Flashlight enabled when the screen gets turned on". It's intentional, power long press has another use when screen is on. There is also no way to tell if flashlight is currently on, that's why mod have to control when flashlight is disabled and limit user's ability to do it in any other way.

  2. affeaffeaffe24

    Thanks for all the explanations!!!

    "Hide notifications that you can't "delete" or swipe away". All of them?

    No just for selected apps and only their permissive notifications. As I still want to get notifications about new messages. For example the messenger Threema uses an permissive notification to keep itself in RAM so you don't have to enter the main-passphrase(which encrypts the local data of the app) everytime you open it. See the attached picture, 2nd notification is the one I would like to hide.

    Oh and could you add an option to disable the headsup notifications? I am using "HeadsOff" right now, but it would be cool if SenseToolbox had an own setting for it.

  3. Mikanoshi

    There are tons of mods to disable heads up notifications already, no need to have all the mods in Sense Toolbox, there is no profit in that.

    I have no idea if it's possible to hide notification and keep app in memory. Is it still working as before if you use stock option to block all app notifications?

    P.S. They are called persistent (ongoing) notifications, not permissive :)

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