faulty track change with volume keys when phone off

Issue #58 closed
Lakshya Dahiya created an issue

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Comments (7)

  1. Lakshya Dahiya reporter

    srry dont knw wat happened anyways in the beginning and ending long press volume key changes song mid way it doesn't respond keep pressing the key nothing happens release press some times volume inc abruptly or the track changes otherwise nothing happens

  2. Mikanoshi

    Don't have such problems on M7. Your English is a problem too, can hardly understand. Use separate sentences.

  3. Max Keller repo owner

    Works absolutely fine here. Use it everyday. Volume only increaeses if you don't press it long enough and then again after screen is on.

  4. Lakshya Dahiya reporter

    i dont use periods and other stuff coz its a waste of time and highly inefficient the keys do have a real problem or the htc music app has problem what app do u use to listen to music this issue is there i am experiencing it first hand by the way i am indian so essentially we hv the best spoken english on this planet better than those white boys who taught us to speak it in first place so my english has no issues i just dont use punctuation

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