Shake to lock

Issue #6 resolved
Matan Levanon created an issue

Shake to lock switches to lock screen but doesn't turn on security if it is set to be delayed. In previous versions, once shaked, the device would go to lock screen and enable security even when a 10 minutes delay was set.

Comments (7)

  1. Mikanoshi

    Lock action for any gesture, not only shake, works like this now. It's already using the correct code, should work, but it doesn't. Maybe Sense 6 port bug? I wonder if 3rd party apps with admin rights have the same bug with force locks.

  2. Mikanoshi

    I've found how to fix this, lock is not working with screen on. Looks like lockNow() with device admin works the same, so I'll add goToSleep() before lock.

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