Check reviews doesn't show reviews themselves!

Issue #1 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Hi there. You even cannot believe how useful your program was for me... until it stoped showed reviews themselves, and showing only amount of stars for each country! Can you fix that?

Comments (2)

  1. lanorkin repo owner

    Hi, according to App Store Review Guidelines

    4.5.1 Apps may use approved Apple RSS feeds such as the iTunes Store RSS feed, but may not scrape any information from Apple sites (e.g., the iTunes Store, App Store, iTunes Connect, developer portal, etc.) or create rankings using this information.

    That is, the only legal way to ask for reviews is using feeds which is provided by Apple

    In some cases Apple just does not provide results for specific country, but that is usually temporary behavior.

    In some cases Apple temporary ban all responses for the user if it decides that there were too many requests in a timeframe.

    Sorry, there's nothing can be done here from our side.

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