Additional features

Issue #2 new
Former user created an issue

Hi Vladimir Just downloaded fdiv and it looks very useful...

Thought of a few additional features;

The ability to select which bases are displayed when the screen is dragged (octal is a bit old-hat nowadays!!)

I remember my old calculators had a function where the last operation was repeated every time you pressed =

So 12 + 4 = “16” Press = again and get “20” Press = again and get “24”

12 x 4 = “48” Press = again and get “192” Press = again and get “768”

Useful for generating/visualising number sequences

Please can we turn off the key-click ! (Using my iPad in bed keeping Mrs awake) 🗣

Comments (2)

  1. lanorkin repo owner

    The ability to select which bases are displayed when the screen is dragged (octal is a bit old-hat nowadays!!)

    In internal todo list, but not really high

    last operation was repeated every time you pressed =

    I miss this too; in easy calculations like 2* = = = it is obvious, but not sure how to do it in most intuitive way in complex calculations. Hope someday will do it.

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