No Go in Heroku environment

Issue #42 new
Joel Feinstein created an issue

Looks like the 'go run goose_main.go ...' command fails on Heroku because Go isn't found in the bin path. Is there a workaround?

Comments (4)

  1. Anton Holmquist

    I get this error too. I'm using go-style migrations instead of sql. Any solution to this?

    $ heroku run goose -env production up
    Running `goose -env production up` attached to terminal... up, run.5939
    goose: migrating db environment 'production', current version: 0, target: 20141012220956
    `go run` failed: exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH
  2. Joel Feinstein reporter

    I got around it by migrating the remote production database from a local installation of goose.

  3. Joel Feinstein reporter

    I'm still fiddling with how best to determine DATABASE_URL on a local machine. The suggested method of installing goose on Heroku (i.e. 'import _ ...') doesn't seem to play well with Godep (which I don't like either), so like you said, I think it's better not to install goose on Heroku.

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